As faith-based institutional investors, the Pension Boards utilizes the CSR Office to encourage responsible corporate citizenship by the companies in which the Pension Boards invests. We vote companies' ballots using our proxy voting guidelines, which promote equitable pay structures, global and human rights, and other best practices. This work is done in the interest of safeguarding companies' financial performance and enhancing the long-term sustainability of companies' operations, thereby enhancing our investments.
The Pension Boards maintains proxy voting guidelines to ensure that we consistently use the "power of the proxy" to demonstrate the faithful stewardship of our investments. The social issues proxy voting guidelines encompass our stance on the environment, labor issues and equality. Our corporate governance guidelines include how we vote stock issues, board of director composition, and the other business items that appear on companies' annual meeting ballots.
U.S. Socially Responsible Investment Voting Guidelines
International Socially Responsible Investment Voting Guidelines