Don’t Be a Victim of Holiday Scams

The Christmas and New Year holidays have arrived, a joyous time of year and a busy time preparing for celebration including seasonal shopping. But be warned criminals are also very busy at this time of year. The Pension Boards Information Technology team is providing the following tips to help you protect your finances and personal information from theft.

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Don’t Be a Victim!

If you are not vigilant becoming a victim of computer crime is relatively easy.  In this article we point out two of the more pervasive types of computer crime, social engineering and phishing, and how you can protect yourself. 

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Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware

While the Pension Boards cannot make a specific endorsement of any anti-virus product for your home computer, laptop or mobile devices it is extremely important that you have one installed.

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What Is Phishing ?

Phishing is a type of fraud where the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking e-mails in an attempt to gather personal and/or financial information from recipients.

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Telephone Tech Support Scam

Have you ever received a phone call from a mysterious computer technician who claims to have discovered a serious problem with your computer but has never seen or touched it ? It's most likely the "Telephone Tech Support Scam."

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