Know Your Net Worth and Cash Flow

Your net worth and cash flow are important barometers of your financial wellness.

Your net worth is your current assets (what you own) minus your current liabilities (what you owe). Among other things, your assets include savings and investments and any property you own. Your liabilities may include housing-related debt, such as a mortgage or home equity loan; car loans; personal loans; and credit card balances.

If you owe more than you own, you have a negative net worth. If you own more than you owe, you have a positive net worth.

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The Strength and Encouragement of NGLI

By Rev. Mark E. Pettis

The Rev Mark E. Pettis, Senior Minister of Manhattan Beach Community Church in California, is completing his 10-year journey with the Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI), a leadership development initiative administered by the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the philanthropic arm of the Pension Boards. Read Rev. Pettis’ letter as he shares his journey and appreciation of the NGLI program.

Pettis Mark 1Having just completed my participation in the “Benediction” event for NGLI*1 (the first cohort in the Next Generation Leadership Initiative), I find myself hovering in a reflective space. Spending this final, “formal” time together with my NGLI cohort reminded me of all that this wonderful program has meant for me and my ministry.

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UCC Dental Plan 2000: Open Enrollment Available Oct. 1-31, 2020

As part of an ongoing commitment to provide UCC employees and churches with greater service, access and options, the Pension Boards is pleased to announce that an opportunity to enroll in the UCC Dental Plan 2000 is available October 1-31, 2020 to employees and retirees who do not currently have dental coverage, or who have coverage in a plan other than the UCC’s. Coverage will become effective at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 2021, and is available on a stand-alone basis, regardless of participation in the UCC (Non-Medicare) Health Benefits Plan or UCC Medicare Supplement Plan. The UCC Dental Plan offers 100% coverage for preventive care services, with no deductible or coinsurance. Preventive care services will not reduce the annual plan maximum.

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Moving Forward in Challenging Times

Dear Colleagues,

As we approach the start of the eighth month of the “new normal” since the start of the pandemic, I pray that you, your loved ones, and those you serve remain well.

The Pension Boards has remained fully operational throughout this time, even as most of our staff continues to work remotely. Our commitment to serving you from the intersection of faith and finance remains our primary focus, as it has for more than 106 years.

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Climate Action

By Rev. James Moos, Executive Director, Faith and Finance Ministries

GettyImages 1195174769 1“It just took off as if there was jet fuel.” So said Sheriff Brett Meyers of Whitman County, Washington concerning the fire that mostly destroyed the town of Malden. At the time of this writing, there are more than 100 active large fires burning in western states that have consumed approximately 6.6 million acres. Dozens of persons have died as a result, thousands of homes and buildings have been destroyed, and numerous communities are experiencing the worst air quality on the planet.

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An effort to mitigate climate change

What does it take to become a responsible investor in today’s world? Do you think about making moral investment choices in ways that can impact the climate, our environment, or the way we utilize our natural resources?

The Pension Boards interviews Andrew Russell, Director of Fixed-Income Investments, to share how investing in green bonds (bonds specifically earmarked to raise money for climate and environmental projects) is one way Pension Boards’ members can add their footprint to mitigate climate change.

Click here to read the full article

Inspired by PBUCC’s Member Services’ Ecosystem


By Pratikshya Thakali

This summer I had the opportunity to intern within the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ (PBUCC) as part of the Member Services team and I am grateful for the experience, which as been nothing less than amazing! Like any college senior, I was looking for an internship, but I found something greater.

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