Five Ways to Save Money on a Budget

The ability to consistently save money is a crucial aspect of financial stability and achieving long-term goals. As a United Church of Christ minister, lay member, or retiree, perhaps you are already living on a tight budget. But that doesn’t mean sacrificing your quality of life and enjoying the money you do have.

Consider exploring and practicing these five ways to saving money while you manage your current budget.

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Clergy Self-Care Includes Your Finances

As spiritual anchors for your congregation or community, you can spend hours of personal sacrifice providing guidance, solace, and wisdom to those you serve in times of need.

However, a deep commitment and passion to your call should never come at the sacrifice of your own personal wellbeing—spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially.

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Meaningful and Intriguing Summer Intern Work

By Emma Gun, Marketing and Communications Intern


My summer was full of exciting opportunities when I served as the Marketing and Communications Intern for the Pension Boards’ Summer Internship Program. I strengthened my video editing and graphic design skills, broadened my understanding of data analysis, and met incredible people. These opportunities were most accessible in my contributions to the Capstone Project, which engaged summer interns to analyze, discuss, and explore how clergy member’s mental health might affect their personal financial decision-making.

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Green Bonds: One Way to Mitigate Climate Change

Q&A with Andrew Russell, Director of Fixed-Income Investments

What does it take to become a responsible investor in today’s world? Do you think about making moral investment choices in ways that can impact the climate, our environment, or the way we utilize our natural resources?

Andrew Russell, Director of Fixed-Income Investments shares how investing in green bonds (bonds specifically earmarked to raise money for climate and environmental projects) are one way Pension Boards members can add their footprint to mitigate climate change.

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The Retired Minister’s Housing Allowance

By Travis Marks, CFP®, CFA®
Director, Generations University

A minister’s housing allowance (sometimes called a parsonage allowance or a rental allowance) is excludable from gross income for income tax purposes*. It is an amount officially designated (in advance of payment) as a housing allowance and in reasonable compensation for services rendered as a minister.

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The Tragedy in the Israel-Palestine Region

The Pension Boards-United Church of Christ (PBUCC) is deeply saddened by the ongoing crisis in the Israel-Palestine region, a situation that has caused immeasurable suffering for countless innocent victims of terror. In recent years, several PBUCC leaders have visited the region and witnessed firsthand the pain and hardship experienced by the individuals and communities affected. Our hearts are heavy by the violence that continues to unfold in the land held sacred by the three Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We mourn the thousands of women, children, and men whose lives have been lost.

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Gratitude and Joy in Life’s Challenges

 Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, PhD

Now thank we all our God,
with heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things has done,
in Whom this world rejoices;
Who from our mothers’ arms
has blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love,
and still is ours today.

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Recordkeeping services for your Lifetime Retirement Income Plan have been upgraded

happy computer

Building the resources you need for retirement is important for your future. At the Pension Boards, we understand that access to knowledgeable service representatives and easy-to-use tools are essential to help you manage your savings so you can reach your retirement goals.

Our commitment to providing the best possible customer service is why we have partnered with Fidelity, the new recordkeeping provider for the Lifetime Retirement Income Plan for the UCC.

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