Know Your Triggers

When exposed to certain conversations, events or situations, many people experience “emotional triggers” that may remind them of something upsetting in their past. These triggers can spark strong emotional and physical feelings that may prompt people to respond or react in unhealthy ways, feeling tense, anxious, panicky, sad or angry, or having the urge to withdraw or lash out. Getting to know your triggers can help you learn better, healthier ways to respond. Try these suggestions:

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Preaching for the Long Haul

Tips for Busy Pastors

If you were to ask any preacher that is expected to preach at least 48 out the 52 Sundays per year to the same congregation from the same pulpit, most of them will openly confess that preaching is hard work.

After 15 years of preaching (10 years, full-time), I have discovered that as endearing as the congregation is, they will never understand the hard work that a preacher puts in week after week to deliver a 20-minute sermon every Sunday.

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Gain Emotional Control for Better Decision-Making

Expressing our emotions can be powerful motivators, especially during a Sunday sermon delivery. As UCC ministers, your sermons can drive us to pursue our passions, connect deeply with others, and motivate our faith toward doing the greater good.

However, when our emotions are running high in response to life circumstances, they can trigger a response that can impair our ability to think rationally. Stress and anxiety can contribute to hasty decisions especially where it concerns our finances.

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Back to School!

By Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, Ph.D.

Despite the fact that many of us haven’t been in seminary for forty years and our children are grown up, September still signals “back to school.” If we were congregational pastors, university chaplains, or campus ministers, we can recall the mad rush of late August and early September, getting ready for “Rally Day,” planning the faith formation program, and readying ourselves for the beginning of the “church year,” not in Advent but practically speaking in September. It’s not as if we were off duty all summer, but with the coming of September, we need to gather our wits and inspiration, plan our fall sermons, ensure a consistent group of teachers for church school, or children’s faith formation, and get the new year underway.

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Negotiating Call Agreements with Churches

A Guide for Ministers

When embarking on the journey of negotiating a call agreement with a church, it's essential to approach this process with a combination of spiritual discernment and practical wisdom, so that you can negotiate an agreement constructively. If you are a minister in discernment or a recent seminary graduate, here are some tips to help you navigate the negotiation process.

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Physical Security in the Workplace

With so much attention focused on securing networks and preventing phishing and avoiding ransomware attacks, the physical side of security sometimes goes overlooked. Even in the modern-day work environment where seemingly everything has an internet connection, we still must remain vigilant against physical threats to our security!

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This summer, celebrate our parks

Parks are at the center of so many experiences and memories. Whether you’ve explored local parks in your community or visited some of the monumental national parks elsewhere in the United States, these beautiful spaces are often where we learn about nature, gather with family and friends, exercise and be active, escape from stress, and so much more! In celebration of these special places, July is designated as National Park and Recreation Month. The tips below will help you maximize your enjoyment of local and national parks.

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